Welcome Back Skaters!
Thank you for registering with Skate Muskoka for Fall 2020! Below you will find the required protocols to help limit the spread of COVID-19 within the Skate Muskoka community. Please read them over with your skater so they are properly prepared for their first session.
All skaters must have sign the Skate Ontario Waiver online and email a copy to info@skatemuskoka.ca.
Skaters will not be allowed on the ice until we have a copy of the waiver.
Parents: Every day that you are coming to the rink please review the COVID screening questions with your skater. We will be asking these same questions each day at the rink.
As a Skate Ontario requirement, clubs are to have a COVID Oversight Committee. Our committee includes Christine Whyte, Kim French and Melissa Fitzmaurice. We are currently seeking more volunteers to be on this committee. If you are interested please contact Kim French at vp@skatemuskoka.ca. If you have any questions or concerns regarding COVID 19 and our club, please reach out to one of the members of the committee.
Arriving at the Rink in Gravenhurst Monday Nights
- All Jr. and Sr. skaters must arrive at the South Entrance of the arena at 4:15.
- There are no dressing rooms available at this time (hopefully this changes in the near future). Please come dressed and ready to skate.
- All skaters must be screened and signed in by Skate Muskoka staff before entering the arena.
- There are designated spots for skaters to put skate bags and to put on their skates.
- Please follow the directional signage through the building.
- Masks must be worn when not on the ice at all times.
- Masks may be removed once skater is on the ice, please practice social distancing with other skaters.
- There is a one bathroom available for skaters.
Arriving at the Bracebridge Rink
- Please arrive 15 mins before your schedule ice time.
- Dressing rooms are available at the BB rink, but we encourage skaters to come ready to skate. Dressing rooms will be assigned to skaters upon arrival.
- All skaters must be screened and signed in by a Skate Muskoka Staff before entering the arena.
- Please follow the directional signage through the building.
- Masks must be worn when not on the ice
- Masks may be removed once skater is on the ice, please practice social distancing with other skaters.
- There is a one bathroom available for skaters.
Parent Viewing
- There is no parent viewing at this time.
- Parents are permitted to enter facility to assist skaters with tying their skates but must leave afterwards.
- Parents must be signed in with a Skate Muskoka staff before entering arena
- Masks must be worn in all areas of the facility
- If an individual becomes unwell with symptoms of COVID-19, or if someone is aware of an individual that becomes unwell with symptoms of COVID-19, that individual must immediately stop participation in club or skating school activities.
- The individual will be isolated from others in a well-ventilated area, or outside and provided with a non-medical face mask if one is available.
- The individual will be sent home and instructed to follow public health guidelines regarding self-isolation and testing.
- The facility will be informed to determine if any areas need to be closed off and/or require additional cleaning/disinfecting.
- A member of the COVID-19 Oversight Group will be informed of the situation and will contact the individual or their parent/guardian to determine if next steps are being taken regarding testing.
- Any individual that is part of a club or skating school that has been tested for COVID-19 must not participate in club or skating school activities while waiting for the results of the test.
- The club/skating school will consult the Session Participation tracking sheets to inform other club/skating school members who might have been in close contact with the individual.
- Any club/skating school members who were in close contact with the individual will not participate in club/skating school activities and should follow public health guidelines until the diagnosis of COVID-19 is ruled out by health professionals.
- If an individual tests positive for COVID-19, they will inform a member of the club/skating school COVID-19
Oversight Group
- The COVID-19 Oversight Group will work with facility and public health officials as needed to assist in contact tracing. The Session Participation tracking sheets may be used to assist public health officials in informing other club/skating school members who may have been in close contact with the individual.
- Any club/skating school members who were in close contact with the individual will not participate in club/skating school activities for 14 days and should follow public health guidelines regarding self-isolation and testing.
- It is recommended to also inform all club/skating school members of a positive COVID-19 result within the club/skating school setting.
- The club/skating school will inform and work with the facility in the case of a positive COVID-19 result and determine if any additional cleaning/disinfecting should be performed as per the facility’s guidelines.
- The club/skating school will inform Skate Ontario of a positive COVID-19 diagnosis via email to clubsupportservices@skateontario.org.
Skate Muskoka’s protocols are based on those of Skate Ontario.
For Skate Ontario’s resource documents, visit skateontario.org/return-to-play.
Health Screening Questionnaire

Download Skate Ontario’s Health Screening Questionnaire (PDF).